2024 Flame Stitch, video and tapestry, Libertine Gallery and Schau Fenster, Berlin
2024 Linda’s Chantilly, performance and photographs, Libertine Gallery at Qipo Fair, Mexico City
2023 New Video Works for Libertine Gallery at Nomad Art Fair, Los Angeles
2023 Ghosts, Ancestors…, solo exhibition and performance series at Libertine, Los Angeles
2021 Zeroed, solo exhibition and performance series at Libertine, Los Angeles
2021 Threshing Floor, performance for High Beam #3, Los Angeles
2021 Hutchinson Salt, Nomad art fair, Los Angeles
2020 Gingham, video performance for online version of Other Places Art Fair, Los Angeles
2020 Monte Carlo Simulation, performance for High Beam #1, Los Angeles
2020 1250 Pieces, performance at Libertine, Los Angeles
2020 Persephone Enjoys Her Symptom, performance at Hamilton Studio Bendix, Los Angeles
2019 Et Nunc et Semper, performance at Brewery Artwalk, Los Angeles
2018 Veuve Fraîche, performance at Track 16 gallery, Los Angeles
2018 Absolute Contingency, performance collaboration for Maiden LA, Los Angeles
2018 Spangled, performance at Post Gallery, Los Angeles
2017 Gone Gone, performance at Electric Pony Studios, Los Angeles
2016 Roller Maiden, Maiden LA, performances at multiple venues, Los Angeles
2016 Art’s Birthday Party, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2015 The Tortoise and the Hare, performance and exhibition at Boxo Project, Joshua Tree
2015 Easy Come Easy Go, performance at Santa Fe Collective, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Beata and Maledetta, performance at Santa Fe Collective, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Como Nao Fazer Biscoitos, performance at Offroad Productions, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Tupy or not Tupy, performance at Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2015 Practice 17, performance at Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
2015 First Meeting, performance at American Academy in Rome, Italy
2015 Kissing Stone, performance filmed for American Academy in Rome, Italy
2015 Metamorphosis, performance at Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
2014 Art Collision Repair Shop, Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM
2014 Kawashokachakraboom/Compensatory Decorative Exhilaration/For Ella, performance at Phil Space, Santa Fe, NM
2013 Blue, Curated by Jennifer Joseph, Offroad Productions, Santa Fe, NM
2012 Site Unseen, Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
2011 In Like a Lion, 443 PAS, New York, NY
2010 Hannah Hughes, Dr. Pong, Berlin
2008 See-through, Stone Fox Art Space, New York, NY
2013 European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland: MA Philosophy of Media
2014 Thesis published by Atropos Press, Together to the Beach
Hunter College, NYC: MFA program, painting
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Mills College, Oakland, CA: BA Art History, Phi Beta Kappa
Syracuse University in Madrid, Spain
Barnard College, NYC
2015 Boxo Projects, Joshua Tree, California
2015 Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2014 American Academy in Rome
2011 Mountain School of the Arts, Los Angeles